Out aniversary is near
We will celebrate three years proclaiming the grace and love of God to save sinners through Christ.
- Since april 2016 -
We preach Christ
Christ alone.
About Us
We are a church that pursues the centrality of the gospel in everything we do: in what we preach, in what we sing and in the way in which we serve Jesus.
Why we exist
Existimos porque aún hay un alto porcentaje de personas que no han creído en Jesús que se encuentran con una necesidad urgente de arrepentimiento y experimentar así el amor de Dios.
Where you are
Here you will find information about our church, resources that are available to download such as messages that are preached, Bible studies, articles, podcasts. etc.
Where to begin
If you are someone who starts in the ways of faith, you can start by examining the content that is found here, but you can also join us on Sundays at 9:00 in the morning.
Come Sundays with your family
On Sundays we meet at 9:00 in the morning to have a special time of worship to God through teaching and communion among us.
Come with your family and join, you can come dressed casual, suit or tie, come as you feel good.

And the Kids?
They learn the Bible
- If you agree, they can belong to our Children's Ministry (Luminares).
- We place a high emphasis and effort on the biblical education of our children.
They know Jesus.
- Knowing Jesus and knowing that He is the savior of sinners is fundamental in the teaching of our children.
- Our children take home tasks that they must do with their parents.
- Our children should memorize verses of Scripture that will help them know the character of God.

Biblicas Studies
Resources for the Church
Find different Bible studies that we have developed for our local church that we have made available on this website for the development of other local churches or for individual studies.

Join and serve with us
Join the team of volunteers and serve together the Lord Jesus Christ with our gifts and talents to exalt him with a life full of faith and good deeds for the benefit of our brothers.

From the CDG pulpit
Listen to the Casa de Gracia Podcast. Here the teachings given from the pulpit are gathered every Sunday. The purpose of this podcast is to help believers to be in communion with God through Christ-centered preaching.
This Podcast is not a substitute for people to stop gathering, but it is a tool for the spiritual growth of believers.
Increase your faith from your phone or tablet
Listen to the Podcast of our online Evangelio Verdadero ministry. These conversations pursue the goal of helping believers to glorify God in their daily lives through biblical themes and concepts that point us to God through a clearer understanding of Who Jesus is, what He has done for us and what is our responsibility before that.

Do you have any question?
Call us at +502 3138 8072
Information, prayer or counseling. Call us or write us.